Complete Book Summaries List

Here is the full list of every book summary published to date: 78 books

Book Title Summary Author Published Category Explore
The Psychology Of MoneyMorgan Housel2021InvestingAmazon
Post: Master the Psychology of Money and Build Lasting Wealth Through Simple Habits
Getting money is one thing. Keeping it is another.
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The Psychology Of Money
nexusYuval Noah Harari2024TechnologyAmazon
Post: The Rise of AI and the Future of Human Control Over Information
The essence of the AI revolution is that the world is being flooded by countless new powerful agents. We are in danger of losing control of our future.
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You HappierDavid G. Amen2022HappinessAmazon
Post: Achieve Happiness by Understanding and Nourishing Your Brain
Happiness is not reserved for the rich, famous, fortunate, or beautiful. You can learn how to consistently generate positive feelings no matter your age, income, or situation by using practical neuroscience.
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You Happier
The Happiness EquationNeil Pasricha2016HappinessAmazon
Post: Happiness Isn’t a Destination - It’s a Choice You Can Make Every Day
Happy people don’t have the best of everything. They make the best of everything.
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The Happiness Equation
How To Know A PersonDavid Brooks2023Self HelpAmazon
Post: Unlock the Secrets to Truly Seeing and Understanding Others
We do not see things as they are, we see things as we are.
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How To Know A Person
The Latte EffectDavid Bach2019InvestingAmazon
Post: How to Build Wealth Starting with Your Morning Coffee
The Latte Factor was never about the coffee, and not even about the money. It has always been a metaphor to motivate and inspire dreamers to go live their dreams. No regrets. Let your 'little girl' or 'little boy' come out to play. You could start today.
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The Latte Effect
The Automatic MillionaireDavid Bach2016InvestingAmazon
Post: The Secret to Becoming a Millionaire on Autopilot
You can’t positively think your way to wealth, you have to positively do your way to wealth.
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The Automatic Millionaire
The Next Millionaire Next DoorThomas J. Stanley2018InvestingAmazon
Post: How Ordinary People Achieve Extraordinary Wealth
Financial independence is more important than displaying high social status.
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The Next Millionaire Next Door
The Millionaire Next DoorThomas J. Stanley2016InvestingAmazon
Post: The Secret Habits of Millionaires You’ve Never Heard Of
If your goal is to become financially secure, you’ll likely attain it… But if your motive is to make money to spend money on the good life, you’re never gonna make it.
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The Millionaire Next Door
Sleep SmarterShawn Stevenson2016SleepAmazon
Post: Sleep Smarter for a Healthier, Happier You
Sleep is the secret sauce. There isn’t one facet of your mental, emotional, or physical performance that’s not affected by the quality of your sleep.
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Sleep Smarter
Take A NapSarah C. Mednick2006SleepAmazon
Post: Discover the Secret Benefits of Napping Daily
In a perfect world, all humans, including you, would nap.
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Take A Nap
The Sleep RevolutionArianna Huffington2016SleepAmazon
Post: Transform Your Life with Restorative Sleep Habits
Sleep is the ultimate performance enhancer. It is the Swiss Army knife of health: when sleep is deficient, there is no system in the body that doesn’t suffer.
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The Sleep Revolution
A Good Night's SleepLawrence J. Epstein2006SleepAmazon
Post: Master the Art of Sleeping Well Every Night
Too often we forget that sleep is a basic physiological drive, like hunger or thirst, and necessary for life and proper functioning.
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A Good Night
A Random Walk Down Wall StreetBurton G. Malkiel 2023InvestingAmazon
Post: Invest Smarter with This Proven Strategy for Financial Freedom
The market eventually corrects any irrationality—albeit in its own slow, inexorable fashion. Anomalies can crop up, markets can get irrationally optimistic, and often they attract unwary investors. But, eventually, true value is recognized by the market, and this is the main lesson investors must heed.
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A Random Walk Down Wall Street
The Intelligent InvestorBenjamin Graham2006InvestingAmazon
Post: Unlock the Secrets of Value Investing with Timeless Wisdom
The intelligent investor is a realist who sells to optimists and buys from pessimists.
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The Intelligent Investor
The Algebra of WealthScott Galloway2024InvestingAmazon
Post: Discover the Four Principles That Lead to Lasting Wealth
Your relationship with your spouse is the most critical relationship in your life; it will have a huge impact on your economic trajectory.
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The Algebra of Wealth
The FourScott Galloway2017TechnologyAmazon
Post: How Four Tech Giants Are Changing the World Forever
The Four are engaged in an epic race to become the operating system for our lives. The prize? A trillion-dollar-plus valuation, and power and influence greater than any entity in history.
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The Four
Feel Good ProductivityAli Abdaal2023ProductivityAmazon
Post: Unlock Greater Success by Embracing Joyful Work
Success doesn’t lead to feeling good. Feeling good leads to success
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Feel Good Productivity
The 8th HabitStephen R. Covey2004LeadershipAmazon
Post: Unleash Your Potential and Inspire Others to Greatness
The 8th Habit gives you a mind-set and a skill-set to constantly look for the potential in people. It’s the kind of leadership that communicates to people their worth and potential so clearly they come to see it in themselves.
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The 8th Habit
Hell Yeah or NoDerek Sivers2022ProductivityAmazon
Post: Only Do What Makes You Say Hell Yeah
"If you’re not feeling 'Hell yeah!' about something, say no."
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Hell Yeah or No
Anything You WantDerek Sivers2022EntrepreneurshipAmazon
Post: Your Business Your Rules Create a World You Love
When you make a business, you get to make a little universe where you control all the laws. This is your utopia.
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Anything You Want
Everything Is F*ckedMark Manson2023Self HelpAmazon
Post: Why Chasing Happiness Is Destroying Your Life
Bravery is common. Resilience is common. But heroism has a philosophical component to it. There’s some great ‘Why?’ that heroes bring to the table—some incredible cause or belief that goes unshaken, no matter what.
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Everything Is F*cked
The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ckMark Manson2016Self HelpAmazon
Post: Mastering Life by Giving Fewer F*cks
The desire for more positive experience is itself a negative experience. And, paradoxically, the acceptance of one’s negative experience is itself a positive experience.
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The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck
How Not To AgeMichael Greger2023LongevityAmazon
Post: Science-Backed Hacks for a Younger, Healthier You
Aging may not be good for health, but it certainly is good for business.
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How Not To Age
Invent & WonderJeff Bezos2021Industry IconsAmazon
Post: The Jeff Bezos Playbook for Dominating the Future
One of the only ways to get out of a tight box is to invent your way out.
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Invent & Wonder
Steve JobsWalter Isaacson2011Industry IconsAmazon
Post: How Steve Jobs Transformed Technology with Obsession and Vision
The people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do.
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Steve Jobs
InfluenceRobert Cialdini2021LeadershipAmazon
Post: Master Influence and Get People to Say Yes
The most reliable and, therefore, most popular such single triggers for compliance are those described throughout this book. They are commitments, opportunities for reciprocation, the compliant behavior of similar others, feelings of liking or unity, authority directives, and scarcity information
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Eat That FrogBrian Tracy2017LeadershipAmazon
Post: Boost Your Productivity by Eating the Frog First
Your 'frog' is your biggest, most important task, the one you are most likely to procrastinate on if you don’t do something about it.
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Eat That Frog
Make Your BedWilliam McRaven2017LeadershipAmazon
Post: Transform Your Life with These Navy SEAL Secrets
If you want to change the world…start off by making your bed.
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Make Your Bed
The 5AM ClubRobin Sharma2018ProductivityAmazon
Post: The 5 AM Secret to Success and Happiness
Own your morning. Elevate your life.
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The 5AM Club
Atomic HabitsJames Clear2018ProductivityAmazon
Post: The Secret to Success Lies in Small Daily Habits
Habits are the compound interest of self-improvement. Getting 1% better every day counts for a lot in the long run.
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Atomic Habits
The Stress PrescriptionElissa Epel2022HappinessAmazon
Post: Unlock Stress-Free Living in Just Seven Days
To master stress is not to avoid it but to move through it.
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The Stress Prescription
The Sleep Prescription Aric Prather2022SleepAmazon
Post: Unlock Your Best Sleep in Just Seven Days
Sleep isn’t something we do as much as it is something that happens to us. A lot of it is about letting go, getting out of our own way, and training our bodies to recognize the cues at night, and throughout the day, that tell it what it should be doing, and when.
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The Sleep Prescription
Why We SleepMatthew Walker2017SleepAmazon
Post: Why Sleep is Your Superpower for Health and Happiness
Sleep is the single most effective thing we can do to reset our brain and body health each day—Mother Nature’s best effort yet at contra-death.
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Why We Sleep
The Blue ZonesDan Buettner2023LongevityAmazon
Post: Discover the Blue Zones Formula for a Long Life
To live longer, better lives, we must emulate the simple yet profound practices of those who have mastered the art of longevity.
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The Blue Zones
OutlivePeter Attia2023LongevityAmazon
Post: Transform Your Healthspan with Science-Backed Longevity Hacks
The logical conclusion is that we need to step in sooner to try to stop the Horsemen in their tracks—or better yet, prevent them altogether... We want to delay or prevent these conditions so that we can live longer without disease, rather than lingering with disease.
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The Holy Grail of InvestingTony Robbins2024InvestingAmazon
Post: Discover the Holy Grail of Investing for Lasting Wealth
Proper diversification was the key to reducing risks without reducing returns.
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The Holy Grail of Investing
The Code BreakerWalter Isaacson2021Industry IconsAmazon
Post: Jennifer Doudna and the Genetic Revolution of Our Time
After more than three billion years of evolution, one species has developed the talent and temerity to grab control of its own genetic future.
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The Code Breaker
The Great Age RebootMichael F. Roizen2022LongevityAmazon
Post: The Future of Aging: 90 is the New 40
The future isn't just about living longer; it's about living better.
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The Great Age Reboot
The Blue Zones of HappinessDan Buettner2017LongevityAmazon
Post: The Happiness Blueprint You Need for a Joyful Life
Happiness isn’t just about who you are but where and how you live.
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The Blue Zones of Happiness
The FastJohn Oakes2024LongevityAmazon
Post: The Ancient Secret to Modern Mindfulness Through Fasting
Fasting is paradoxical: a culture-spanning spiritual exercise that plays a key role in body-shaming; a unifying practice that acknowledges, even heightens, the mind/body divide. According to some practitioners, fasting is a means to empowerment and self-advancement; according to some contemporary critics, it results from ‘self-hatred and desperation.’ But a desire for transformation requires rejecting a present state in favor of a better one.
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The Fast
Deep UtopiaNick Bostrom 2024AI VisionariesAmazon
Post: Why Utopia Won’t Make Us Happy
In a world where all problems are solved, the challenge becomes finding new sources of purpose and meaning, lest we succumb to the existential ennui of a life too easy to live.
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Deep Utopia
Co-IntelligenceEthan Mollick2024AI VisionariesAmazon
Post: Meet Your New AI Partner
My sleepless nights began. And to be honest, they haven’t ended. Every week, it seems like AI serves up a new miracle—or a new concerning development.
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AI 2041Kai-Fu Lee2021AI VisionariesAmazon
Post: AI's Inevitable Impact on Humanity's Future
AI is an omni-use technology that will penetrate virtually all industries. Its effects are being felt in four waves, beginning with Internet applications, followed by applications in business, perception, and autonomous applications, like vehicles.
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AI 2041
How AI ThinksNigel Toon2024AI VisionariesAmazon
Post: AI Decoded for a Better, Brighter Tomorrow
Artificial intelligence is the most powerful tool that we have ever created. The ability to amplify human intelligence will let us solve problems that we previously found impossible.
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How AI Thinks
The Singularity is NearerRay Kurzweil 2024AI VisionariesAmazon
Post: Merging Minds and Machines The Path to Our AI-Powered Future
These are the most exciting and momentous years in all of history. We cannot say with confidence what life will be like after the Singularity. But by understanding and anticipating the transitions leading up to it, we can help ensure that humanity’s final approach will be safe and successful.
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The Singularity is Nearer
Read Write OwnChris Dixon2024TechnologyAmazon
Post: The Future of the Internet Lies in Decentralization
Blockchains are a new construction material for building a better internet.
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Read Write Own
The AlgorithmHilke Schellmann2024TechnologyAmazon
Post: How Algorithms Decide Your Job Fate
AI is quietly taking over the high-stakes decision-making in hiring, promoting, and even firing—right under our noses, but mostly out of our sight.
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The Algorithm
FilterworldKyle Chayka2024TechnologyAmazon
Post: Is Technology Destroying Our Creative Expression and Individuality?
Filterworld culture is ultimately homogenous, marked by a pervasive sense of sameness even when its artifacts aren’t literally the same. It perpetuates itself to the point of boredom.
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Brave New WordsSalman Khan2024TechnologyAmazon
Post: Transform Your Learning with AI
It is not that technology is good or bad, it is how you use it that matters.
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Brave New Words
Think and Grow RichNapoleon Hill2021ClassicsAmazon
Post: Discover the Secret Formula for Wealth and Success
Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve.
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Think and Grow Rich
The Art of WarSun Tzu2021ClassicsAmazon
Post: Master the Art of Winning Without Fighting
Supreme excellence consists in breaking the enemy’s resistance without fighting.
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The Art of War
Burn The BoatsMatt Higgins2023EntrepreneurshipAmazon
Post: Ditch the Backup Plan and Conquer Your Biggest Goals
To accomplish something great, you have to give yourself no escape route, no chance to ever turn back. You throw away your backup plans and push forward, no longer bogged down by the infinite ways in which we hedge our own successes.
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Burn The Boats
Tap Dancing to WorkCarol Loomis2013InvestingAmazon
Post: Tap Into Warren Buffett's Genius with These Essential Investment Principles
The key to successful investing is to remember that stocks are not just ticker symbols or little blips on a chart. Behind every stock is a company. Find out what it’s doing.
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Tap Dancing to Work
Good AnxietyWendy Suzuki2021HappinessAmazon
Post: Turn Anxiety into a Motivational Tool for Success
Anxiety is not inherently bad. How we experience this arousal depends on how we—or our brain-body system—interpret and manage an encounter with an outside stressor.
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Good Anxiety
Tiny Business Big MoneyElaine Pofeldt2022EntrepreneurshipAmazon
Post: Mastering Niche Success for High-Revenue Microbusinesses
You need to pick a niche you want to be number one in. If you’re not actively working every single day to be the best, you are going to have to play the pricing game.
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Tiny Business Big Money
The Million-Dollar One-Person BusinessElaine Pofeldt2021EntrepreneurshipAmazon
Post: The Blueprint for Solo Entrepreneurs to Achieve Financial Freedom
The point of the million-dollar, one-person business is that it gives you choices—whether to keep it small while earning a great income or to continue growing it.
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The Million-Dollar One-Person Business
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective PeopleStephen R. Covey2020LeadershipAmazon
Post: Master Your Life with These Seven Powerful Habits
Leadership is communicating to another their worth and potential so clearly they are inspired to see it in themselves.
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The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
NjutaNiki Brantmark2023HappinessAmazon
Post: Transform Your Daily Routine with Swedish Mindfulness
To njuta is to savor a suspended moment in time without pressure or demand.
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The Way of NagomiKen Mogi2022HappinessAmazon
Post: Unlock Balance and Harmony with the Japanese Secret of Nagomi
The key is recognizing that unpleasant things are always part of life, and that the balance of the good, the bad, and everything in-between makes our lives richer and more substantial.
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The Way of Nagomi
IkigaiHector Garcia2016HappinessAmazon
Post: Unlock the Japanese Secret to a Long and Joyful Life
Our ikigai is hidden deep inside each of us, and finding it requires a patient search. According to those born on Okinawa, the island with the most centenarians in the world, our ikigai is the reason we get up in the morning.
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The Anthology of BalajiEric Jorgenson2023EntrepreneurshipAmazon
Post: Empower Yourself by Creating the Future You Want
Technology determines which fringe ideas have become newly feasible and what elements of current consensus have become suddenly obsolete.
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The Anthology of Balaji
The Almanac of Naval RavikantEric Jorgenson2020Self HelpAmazon
Post: Naval Ravikant’s Blueprint for Wealth and Happiness Revealed
Seek wealth, not money or status. Wealth is having assets that earn while you sleep. Money is how we transfer time and wealth. Status is your place in the social hierarchy.
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The Almanac of Naval Ravikant
Cultures of GrowthMary C. Murphy2024LeadershipAmazon
Post: Why Growth-Oriented Cultures Win in Business and Life
When a company shows itself to be in learning mode, consumers are more apt to trust them. This trust is the foundation upon which a Culture of Growth is built, enabling organizations to innovate, adapt, and thrive.
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Cultures of Growth
MindsetCarol Dweck2017Self HelpAmazon
Post: Unlock Your Full Potential with the Power of a Growth Mindset
Change can be tough, but I’ve never heard anyone say it wasn’t worth it. People who’ve changed can tell you how their lives have been enhanced. They can tell you about things they have now that they wouldn’t have had, and ways they feel now that they wouldn’t have felt.
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GritAngela Duckworth2016Self HelpAmazon
Post: Why Grit, Not Talent, Determines Your Success
Grit is sticking with your future, day in, day out—not just for the week, not just for the month, but for years—and working really hard to make that future a reality.
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How To ChangeKathy Milkman2021Self HelpAmazon
Post: Transform Your Habits and Achieve Your Goals with Science-Based Tactics
The secret to a better life is not to eradicate the impulses that make us human but instead to understand them, outsmart them, and whenever possible, to make them work for us rather than against us.
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How To Change
Tao Te ChingLao Tzu1988ClassicsAmazon
Post: Embrace Simplicity and Find Balance in a Chaotic World
Less and less do you need to force things, until finally you arrive at non-action. When nothing is done, nothing is left undone.
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Tao Te Ching
The Miracle MorningHal Elrod2023ProductivityAmazon
Post: Unlock Your Full Potential with These Morning Habits
Every adversity we face is an opportunity for us to learn, grow, and become better than we’ve ever been.
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The Miracle Morning
The ONE ThingGary Keller2013ProductivityAmazon
Post: Transform Your Productivity with One Powerful Question
What's the ONE Thing you can do such that by doing it, everything else will be easier or unnecessary?
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The ONE Thing
Slow ProductivityCal Newport2024ProductivityAmazon
Post: Master the Art of Achieving More by Doing Less
Accomplishment without burnout not only is possible but should be the new standard.
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Slow Productivity
You Only Die OnceJodi Wellman2024Self HelpAmazon
Post: Transform Your Life by Embracing Your Mortality
Death motivates me to live, but not out of fear. Knowing I’ll be dead soon(ish) sparks an intense desire to do this life justice and get to the end of my days without a sliver of regret.
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You Only Die Once